Thursday, 22. April 2010

Selling of crafts at Reinheimer Market!

Hello everyone,

on June 5th & 6th I am selling crafts where the earnings go to El Shadai. I will sell at the Reinheimer Market in Reinheim, Germany.

I will sell Ugandan crafts, like batiks, neclaces, bags.

For sure the El Shadai Family and myself would be happy, if you would come to this opportunity. If you don't have the opportunity to visit the Market, plase tell other interested people about it and have a look on my homepage, where I sell a part of the crafts.

Best regards

Monday, 29. March 2010

Taking part on certification course

Hello together,

sorry that I didn't write for a long time. End of October last year I moved into the appartment together with my boyfriend.

In November I started a certification course. At the end of the course I will be "Coordinator in international projectmanagement" with the main focus in developing aid and humanitarian aid. Until end of February I had the theoretical seminar in Witzenhausen, Germany at the GNE (Organisation for sustainable development). Since beginning of March I am in my internship at World University Service in Wiesbaden, Germany. In the internship I do a lot of different tasks in public relations, which is very interesting.
The internship will last until May 21st, 2010 and my final exam of the certification course will be in the laast week of April.

Take care & don't forget me

Tuesday, 1. September 2009

I will move into another appartment in November

Hello together,

in November I will move together with my boyfriend into another appartment. Yesterday we signed the contract for the rent of the appartment.
We will then live together in Steinbach im Taunus (northwestern from Frankfurt).

We are so happy!

Best regards

Thursday, 30. July 2009

Begin of a new period of life

Hello everyone,

I wanted to tell you from my newest development.
tomorrow will be my last working day with EDS, my employer for the last 8 years.
I signed a voluntarily dissolution contract and will take the opportunity to go into a transfer and qualification organisation (TQG). I took this step because I was already thinking about going into another area.

Starting October I will be at the TQG which will pay me then and additional they offer me qualifications, which will bring me hopefully in the right direction, because I want to o into the social area.
The TQG will pay for 12 months, if I don't find a job earlier.

Best wishes

Friday, 17. July 2009

Successful picture show and selling of crafts!

Hello together,

last weekend I showed at my mum's place pictures from Uganda and sold Ugandan crafts.

Thank you to everyone who came!!

I earned about 600 Euros, from which a small part will go to the maker of the crafts and the rest will go to El Shadai.


Sunday, 14. June 2009

New articles to sell!

I uploaded new articles in the El shadai Shop.

Articles like bags (small and big), batiks, cards, neclaces, bracelets and aprons.

If you are interested check on my homepage.

Best regards

P.S.: The earnings will be given to El Shadai Home, but I will pay first the producer of the crafts, most of them were not paid in advance.

Meike's World

Here you can find anything related to my trip to Uganda.

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Last update: 22. Apr, 15:04


Meike Bosserhoff
Flughafenstr. 3c
64347 Griesheim

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