Actions for Donations

Thursday, 22. April 2010

Selling of crafts at Reinheimer Market!

Hello everyone,

on June 5th & 6th I am selling crafts where the earnings go to El Shadai. I will sell at the Reinheimer Market in Reinheim, Germany.

I will sell Ugandan crafts, like batiks, neclaces, bags.

For sure the El Shadai Family and myself would be happy, if you would come to this opportunity. If you don't have the opportunity to visit the Market, plase tell other interested people about it and have a look on my homepage, where I sell a part of the crafts.

Best regards

Friday, 17. July 2009

Successful picture show and selling of crafts!

Hello together,

last weekend I showed at my mum's place pictures from Uganda and sold Ugandan crafts.

Thank you to everyone who came!!

I earned about 600 Euros, from which a small part will go to the maker of the crafts and the rest will go to El Shadai.


Saturday, 23. May 2009

Additional donations needed

Hello together,

I need additional donations here at El Shadai. It would be wonderful, if we find some more who would donate some money. If you can"t donate yourself it would be kind if you could spread this message to friends.

Donations for the following things are needed:
- ca. 12 Euro (30.000 USH - Ugandan Shillings) for 10 kg ginger seedlings, to plant them in the El Shadai owned garden, so that they don"t need to buy this in the future and even can sell some
- ca. 36 Euro (90.000 USH) for 10 kg potato seedlings for the garden
- ca. 112 Euro (280.000 USH) for rice seedlings incl. planting for the garden (that can be paid in rates)
- ca. 68 Euro (70.000 USH) for plantane banana ssedlings incl. planting for the garden (that can be paid in rates)
- ca. 84 Euro (210.000 USH) for outstanding bills for food
- ca. 96 Euro (240.000 USH) for outstanding bills for medical treatment
- ca. 160 Euro (400.000 USH) for university fees, so that Agnes can finish her second year at university.

Please tell others about it, so that we can get all the needed donations together.

Thank you a lot also in the name of the El Shadai Family

Wednesday, 22. April 2009

Info to money donation

Hello everyone,

if you want to give money donations, I will list you the possibilities how you can do this:

- you can transfer me the money through a bank transaction (please contact me, so that I can send you my bank details)
- you can transfer me money through PayPal (for that you need to scroll down to the yellow button "Spenden" = that means donation in German)
- you can give it to me personally

Thank you!

I can take donations with me again

Hello everyone,

for all who want to donate something, I created a list with possible donations.
But keep in mind that money donations are very appreciated because I can see in Ugnada what is needed and buy it there or pay some doctor bills.

Flashlights with crank or rechargeable batteries
Band Aids in all sizes
Threads for friendship bracelets
Children DVDs in English
Baseball caps
Drawing books
Blouses for girls, shirts for boys (I got some), thin socks, underwear, skirts (not to short), pants for boys, black shoes (the clothing should be robust)
Tooth brushs
Battery recharger

Please be aware to ask me infront of sending me donations, because I need to check if I got it already from somebody else and if I have enough space in my luggage. And please don’t send me heavy and too big things.

Thank you a lot in advance!!

Best regards

Thursday, 11. December 2008

At a Christmas Market

Hello my friends,

I had a booth on the Christmas Market in Reinheim (Germany) last weekend. I sold Ugandan crafts (batiks, bags, cards, neclaces and clothes) and food (Mandazis and Samosas). Here you can find some pictures of my booth.

Thank you to all buyers and supporters, a special thank to the mayor of Reinheim who generated about a third of the revenues.

I earned about 600 Euros at the weekend, what made me very happy. I informed immeadiately the El Shadai Family.

Best regards

Wednesday, 15. October 2008

Blog Action Day


a colleague of mine wrote something about my stay and my experiences at El Shadai, because the topic of this Blog Action Day is Poverty.

Please have a look at his blog.

Thank you Darryl!!

Take care,

Thursday, 2. August 2007

What could you donate?

Hello everyone,

for all who want to donate something, I created a list with possible donations.

Flashlights with crank or rechargeable batteries
Band Aids in all sizes
Dishtowel – I got enough
Threads for friendship bracelets
Children DVDs in English
Music CDs
Baseball caps
Puzzles (with few pieces)
Drawing books
Small photo albums
Blouses for girls, shirts for boys (I got some), thin socks, underwear, skirts (not to short), pants for boys, shoes (the clothing should be robust)
Tooth brushs
Drinking cups
Children books in English – I got some
Blank CDs
Battery recharger – I got one
Stuffed animals (if I have still space in my luggage)

Please be aware to ask me infront of sending me donations, because I need to check if I got it already from somebody else and if I have enough space in my luggage. And please don’t send me heavy and too big things.

Thank you a lot in advance!!

Best regards

Wednesday, 4. July 2007

For the Foster Home!!

I want to bring something with me for the kids and that is also appreciated, I need to think about it as well. I would be glad if you could help me here a little bit.

At first a money donation is eligible. With the money I will buy something for the foster home or I will give it to the home father, because he knows where it is needed. Of course I will report about this.

Then I am happy about donations in kind. But please ask me ahead, because I need to transport it and I need to check if it is needed.
For example … children and youth books like
Wizard of Oz – L.F. Baum
African Folktales - R.D. Abrahams
Richard Scarry’s Bedtime Stories – R. Scarry
Fly, Eagle, Fly: An African Tale – C. Gregorowski
The Little White Horse – E. Goudge
Winnieh the Pooh – A.A. Milne
Little Miss Shy – R. Hargeaves
Fairy Tales

I will tell you when I other actions cross my mind. Then I would be really glad, when you could tell me, if you can think of other actions, which could help me to get more donations. That would be great!

Meike's World

Here you can find anything related to my trip to Uganda.

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Online for 6425 days
Last update: 22. Apr, 15:04


Meike Bosserhoff
Flughafenstr. 3c
64347 Griesheim

Actions for Donations
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